Pharmaceutical Microbiology Question Paper With all Unit (B.pharm III semester) Here are a Selective questions of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all B. pharm III Sem students.
UNIT- 1 Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Question – 10 MarksPharmaceutical microbiology Question- 07 MarksPharmaceutical microbiology Question- 02 MarksUNIT-2- Pharmaceutical microbiology Question- 10 MarksUNIT-2- Pharmaceutical microbiology Question – 07 MarksUNIT-2- Pharmaceutical microbiology Question- 02 mark’sUNIT-3 – Microbiology Question- 10 MarksUNIT-3 – Microbiology Question- 07 MarksUNIT-3 – Microbiology Question- 02 MarksUNIT – 4 – Microbiology Question- 10 MarksUNIT – 4 – Microbiology Question- 02 MarksUNIT- 5 – Question- 10 MarksUnit 5 Question- 02 Marks
UNIT- 1 Pharmaceutical Microbiology – Question – 10 Marks
- Classify bacteria on the basis of nutritional requirements and add a note on raw materials used for Preparation of culture
- Define and classify culture media. Mention salient feature of each media along with an
- Draw an ultra structure of typical bacteria. Write composition and functions of its
- Classify bacteria on the basis of morphological Add a note on composition and functions of Cell wall.
- Differentiate between gram positive and Gram negative cell Add a note on principle and Procedure of Gram’s staining technique.
- Describe bacterial growth Add a note on physical factors affecting growth of bacteria.
- Mention methods used for identification of Explain any four biochemical tests used for Identification of bacteria.
- What is pure culture? Enlist methods for isolation of pure culture? Describe any two industrially techniques of preserving
- Write about importance of microbial preservation technique. Write procedure, merit and demerit of any four preservation techniques.
- What is pure culture? Write in detail about isolation of pure.
Pharmaceutical microbiology Question- 07 Marks
- Write a note on raw materials used for preparation of culture
- Define and classify culture media with examples.
- Classify bacteria on the basis of morphological features.
- Differentiate between gram positive and Gram negative cell
- Write principle and procedure of Gram’s staining
- Write principle and procedure of Acid-fast
- Describe bacterial growth
- Explain IMVIC tests used for identification of
- Explain MR-VP tests used for identification of
- Write a note on cultivation of anaerobic
- Write about methods for maintenance of pure culture.
- Write about importance of microbial preservation
- Differentiate between prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
- Outline working of TEM and SEM
- Give the principle and main characteristic of phase contrast microscopy
- Explain the principle of Electron.
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Pharmaceutical microbiology Question- 02 Marks
- Differentiate between flagella and
- Differentiate between enrichment and selective
- Differentiate between log phase and decline
- Differentiate between acid fast and non acid fast
- Differentiate between bacteria and
- Differentiate between fungi and
- Mention reagents used for acid fast
- Mention role of each chemical used in gram’s staining.
- What is basal media? Give
- What is enriched media? Give
- What is differential media? Give example.
- What is the role of agar in culture media?
- What is selective media? Give
- What is pour plate method, write its
- Mention arrangement based classification of cocci.
- What is lag phase of growth?
- What is log phase of growth?
- What is stationary phase of growth?
- What is decline phase of growth?
- List out the different phases of growth of bacteria
- Write contributions of Antony Van
- Write contributions of Edward Jenner.
- Write contributions of Robert
- Write contributions of Louis Pasteur.
- Write contributions of Alexander
- Write four pharmaceutical uses of
- State Koch’s
UNIT-2- Pharmaceutical microbiology Question- 10 Marks
- Explain the principle, procedure, applications and demerits of sterilization using autoclave
- Explain the principle, procedure, applications and demerits of sterilization using hot air oven
- Explain the mechanism of action, procedure, applications and factors Sterilization using ethylene oxide.
- Explain the source, mechanism of sterilisation, merit, demerits and applications of sterilization using
- Explain principles involved in sterilisation by Add a note on its merits and demerits.
UNIT-2- Pharmaceutical microbiology Question – 07 Marks
- Explain the mechanism of sterilization and heat transfer by hot air
- Explain the principle involved in
- Write the procedure, merits and demerits of membrane filtration
- Write the procedure, merits and demerits of ethylene oxide sterilization
- Explain the factors affecting gaseous sterilization
- Mention indicators used for various sterilization methods
- Write the production, mechanism of action, demerits and applications of UV
- Explain MR-VP tests used for identification of
- Write the significance of various reagents used in Gram staining and Acid fast staining
- Write principle and procedure of Gram
- Write principle and procedure of acid-fast
- Explain IMVIC tests used for identification of
- Describe any two methods of viability
- Describe any two methods of total.
UNIT-2- Pharmaceutical microbiology Question- 02 mark’s
- Mention the demerits of ethylene oxide sterilization
- Write bio-indicators for thermal
- Write applications of uv
- What is Pasteurization? Mention methods
- Define
- Classify physical method of sterilization
- Explain the advantages of autoclaving over hot air sterilization.
- List out any four applications of Gamma
- Mention any four applications of autoclave.
- Mention any four applications of dry heat sterilization.
- Mention any four applications of gaseous sterilization.
- Mention any four applications of ethylene oxide sterilization
UNIT-3 – Microbiology Question- 10 Marks
- Classify Write the mechanism of action and uses of phenolic disinfectants.
- Explain different factors affecting
- Explain different methods for evaluation of bacteriostatic
- Discuss in detail about Redial Walker’s test.
- Enlist various methods of evaluation of bacteriostatic and
- Explain anyMethod of bacteriostatic disinfectant.
- Write classification, mechanism of action and uses of phenolic and aldehyde disinfectants.
UNIT-3 – Microbiology Question- 07 Marks
- Write a note on cultivation of virus.
- Discuss about merits and demerits of viral cultivation
- Describe steps involved in replication of
- Write about classification of
UNIT-3 – Microbiology Question- 02 Marks
- Mention media for cultivation of
- Mention pharmaceutical uses of
- Write structure of typical
- What is mycelium?
- Why are virus described as obligate parasites?
- Give examples for disinfectants with viricidal activity
- Give two examples for alcoholic
- Differentiate between disinfection and
- Write the ideal properties of
- Define
- Mention the factors affecting disinfectant aactivity
- Difference between bacteriostatic and bactericidal agents.
- What is direct inoculation method?
- Write the significance of positive control in sterility
- What is direct inoculation method of sterility testing?
- Write the principle of sterility
- Write the principle of membrane filtration method of sterility testing.
UNIT – 4 – Microbiology Question- 10 Marks
- Write in detail about the construction and design of aseptic
- What are the main sources of contamination of an aseptic room? How will you prevent it?
- Describe construction and working of laminar air flow.
- Classify clean area according to British standard and US standards.
- What are the sources of contamination and their control in aseptic room?
- Describe the general procedure of antibiotic assay.
- Write briefly on different methods used for microbiological assay of antibiotics.
- Outline the process of assessment of new
- Explain principles involved in microbiological assay of Antibiotics.
- Explain principles involved in microbiological assay of vitamin B12.
UNIT – 4 – Microbiology Question- 02 Marks
- What are Rodac plates?
- What is Grade 100?
- How will you validate HEPA filter?
- Write note on Grade B room
- Draw a flow diagram of an aseptic.
UNIT- 5 – Question- 10 Marks
- Explain different factors affecting microbial spoilage of Pharmaceuticals
- Define cell culture, give the merits, demerits and application of cell culture
- Explain the different sources and types of microbial contamination of pharmaceuticals.
- Write briefly the general procedure for cell culture.
- How will you detect microbial contamination in pharmaceuticals
- Write briefly on general requirements of cell culture
- What are the methods used for the evaluation of microbial stability of formulations?
- Differentiate between primary and established cell culture
- Explain the evaluation of microbial stability of formulations.
- Discuss about advantages and disadvantages of cell culture
- Explain the preservation of pharmaceutical products using antimicrobial
- Write the applications of cell cultures in pharmaceutical industry and research.
Unit 5 Question- 02 Marks
- Mention microorganisms causing spoilage of pharmaceuticals.
- Write the incubation conditions for cell culture.
- What are the visible changes of microbial contaminations in pharmaceuticals
- Mention any four major requirements for cell culture
- How do you assess microbial contamination? Mention
- Mention the media used in cell culture
- List out different types of microbial contaminants in pharmaceutical.
- What is secondary cell culture?
- List out different types of spoilage in pharmaceutical.
- What is primary cell culture?
- List out sources of microbial contaminations in pharmaceutical.