MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS PHARMACOLOGY-II, (B.pharm 5TH semester)Here are a Selective questions of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. This question papers are very helpful to all b.pharm 5th sem Students.
Question- 02 Marks
- Explain the mechanism of action of statins
- Classify Anti rheumatoid drugs with examples
- Therapeutic uses of fibrinolytics
- Therapeutic uses of 5HT antagonists.
- Classify parentral anticoagulants with examples.
- Adverse effects of Sulfonyl ureas.
- Name three Harmones regulating plasma calcium level
- Name any four H2 receptor antagonists.
- Mention the different types of bioassays.
- Mention any four names of anabolic steroids
- Write the adverse effects of Digoxin.
- Mention the drugs used in the treatment of Anaemia.
- Mechanism of action of Clopidogrel.
- Therapeutic uses of fibrinolytic agents.
- Classify anti rheumatoid drugs with examples.
- Mention the drugs used in the treatment of Gout.
- Enlist the different types of Insulin Preparations.
- Mechanism of action of Glucagon.
- Enlist four Uterine stimulants.
- Mention different types of Bioassays.
- Write the mechanism of action of Digitalis.
- Mechanism of action of Vasopressin
- Mechanism of action of Heparin.
- Therapeutic uses of fibrinolytic agents.
- Classify Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with examples.
- Mention the drugs used in the treatment of Gout.
- Write the mechanism of action of Pioglitazone.
- Mechanism of action of Glucagon.
- Enlist four Uterine stimulants.
- Adverse effects of oral contraceptives.
- Adverse effects of Captopril.
- Name any four antigout drugs.
- Write the therapeutic uses of antihistaminic drugs
- Enumerate the types of bioassays
- Name the animal species and reagents required for bioassay of ACTH
- Write different insulin preparations
- Enlist the drugs used in treatment of anemia
- Write the mechanism of action of streptokinase
- Write the mechanism of action of vasopressin.
- Therapeutic uses of 5-HT Antagonist
- Write the mechanism of action of captopril
- Enlist the oral anti coagulants
- Name different types of 5HT receptors and their antagonist
- Mode of action of glucagon
- Name the different types of bioassay.
- Mode of action of vasopressin
- Name the drugs used in the treatment of shock.
- Mention different types of insulin preparations
- Mode of action of streptokinase.
- Classify anti rheumatic drugs with examples
- Explain the mechanism of action of statins
- Write the different types of shock.
- Write the therapeutic uses of acatazolamide
- Write the therapeutic uses of Fibrinolytics.
- Write Histamine induced triple response
- Define Gout. Mention the drugs used in the treatment of Gout.
- Enlist different types of Insulin Preparations
- Write the mechanism of action of sulphonyl ureas
- Mention different types of Bioassays.
- Enlist four Uterine stimulants.
- Name antihypertensive agents to be avoid during pregnancy
- What is the difference between anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs?
- Therapeutic uses of fibrinolytics
- Name the antidiuretics agents
- What is the action histamine on blood vessels?
- Therapeutic uses of 5-HT antagonistic
- Write different types Insulin preparation
- Write the mechanism of action of glucagon
- Name oral contraceptives
- List the merits of bioassays
- What is the treatment for megaloblasticanaemia
- Mode of action of Insulin
- Adverse effects of Digitalis
- What is chronic gout? Name the drugs used in chronic gout
- Name COX-2 inhibitors .
- Write the role of estrogens in hormone replacement therapy.
- Name any two fibrinolytics and their uses.
- What are the merits and demerits of bioassay.
- List the clinical uses of vasopressin.
- Clinical uses and adverse effects of glibenclamide.
- Write the mechanism of action of clofibrate
- Mode of action of Heparin
- Name leukotriene receptors
- Mode of action of sulfonyiureas
- Write the therapeutic use of fibrinolytics
- Mode of action of anti-diuretic hormone
- What are advantages and disadvantages of bioassays
- Mention different types of insulin preparations
- What are anabolic steroids?
- Classify anti- rheumatic drugs with examples
- What are cardiotonics? Give examples
- Enlist the oral anti coagulants
- Clinical uses of ondansetron
- Adverse effects and clinical uses of sulfonylureas
- Clinical uses and adverse effects of propylthiouracil
- Mode of action of vasopressin
- Outline the mode of action of Tocolytics
- What is triple response of histamine
- Write the mode of action of urokinase.
Write types of prostaglandins
Question- 05 Marks
- Classify anti anginal drugs with examples. Write the pharmacology of Nitrates.
- Describe the Pharmacological actions of heparin.
- Describe the pharmacology of propyl thiouracil.
- Describe the Pharmacological actions of Insulin.
- Describe the mechanism of action and adverse effects of sod.warfarin.
- Explain the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Acetazolamide.
- Classify oral hypoglycaemic agents with examples.
- Describe the pharmacological actions & adverse effects of Aspirin.
- Describe the Pharmacological actions of Glucocorticoids.
- Explain the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of Propyl thiouracil.
- Classify Antihyperlipidemic drugs with examples. Write the mechanism of action of statins.
- Explain the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Aspirin.
- Describe the Pharmacology of Furosemide.
- Classify Antithyroid drugs with examples. Describe the pharmacology of Propyl thiouracil.
- What is angina pectoris? Write the pharmacology of Nitrates.
- Classify antirheumatic drugs with examples. Describe the Pharmacolgy of Methotrexate.
- Explain the pharmacology of Sulfonylureas.
- Explain the role of harmones in regulation of plasma calcium level.
- Describe the mechanism of action and adverse effects of propranolol.
- Write the mechanism of action and therapeutic uses of lidocaine as an anti-arrhythmic drug.
- Classify anti rheumatoid drugs with examples.Write the pharmacology of methotrexate.
- Explain the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Quinidine.
- Explain the mechanism of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors and their uses.
- Classify non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents with examples.
- Explain the mechanism of action and clinical uses of Nitroglycerine.
- Describe the mechanism of action and adverse effects of loop diuretics.
- Write the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Prednisolone.
- Mode of action and adverse effects of oral contraceptives.
- Describe the pharmacological actions of potassium sparing diuretics
- Classify antidiabetic agents with suitable examples.
Question- 10 Marks
- Classify Antihypertensive drugs. Describe the pharmacology of Propranolol
- Define bioassay. Explain the Bioassay of oxytocin
- What are autacoids? Write the pharmacology of Histamine.
- Classify antihypertensive drugs with examples. Describe the pharmacology of Nifedipine
- Describe the general methods of bioassay and explain the bioassay of insulin
- Write the mechanism, pharmacological actions therapeutic uses and adverse effects of salicylates
- Describe the pharmacology of digitalis.
- Classify Non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with examples. Describe pharmacology of Aspirin.
- Define Bioassay.Explain the Bioassay of Insulin.
- Explain the pharmacological actions, adverse reactions and clinical uses of digitalis.
- Classify the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Discuss the mechanism of action and adverse effects of Aspirin
- Discuss the principle of bioassays. Explain the bioassay of Insulin.
Good job sir