MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Pharmaceutical Engineering (B.pharm 3rd semester), Here are a Selective questions of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all B. pharm 3rd Sem students.
Question -02 marks
- What is the significance of Reynold’s Number?
- Define the terms Attrition & Impact?
- Name any 2 mechanisms of Size Separation.
- Define Attrition & Impact?
- What is boundary layer?
- What is the relation among boiling point, vapor pressure & evaporation?
- Write the principle of vacuum dryer.
- Mention equipment suitable for semisolid mixing.
- What is molecular distillation?
- What is the difference between Sedimentation & Elutriation?
- State and express Fourier’s Law of heat transmission with equation.
- How evaporation differs from drying and distillation?
- Write the principle of Steam Distillation.
- What do you mean by Sublimation?
- Differentiate between Mixing & Blending.
- What is meant by under-driven and over-driven assembly? Give examples also
- State and express Fourier’s Law of heat transmission with equation.
- How evaporation differs from drying and distillation?
- What do you understand by Molecular Distillation?
- What do you mean by Eutectic Point?
- What are Ferrous and Non-ferrous metals? Give 2 examples each.
Question -10 marks
- State and derive Bernoulli’s equation.
- Write the applications of filtration, size reduction, mixing and distillation in pharma.
- Elaborate the factors influencing evaporation rate. Write the principle, construction, working and advantages of forced circulation evaporators.
- Describe principle, construction & working of Triple Effect Evaporator?
- Discuss in details about the principle, construction, working and uses of Freeze Dryer.
Question -07 marks
- What do you understand by Size Reduction?
- Define the term Distillation. Discuss about the principle, construction, working and uses of Steam Distillation.
- Describe Reynolds’s experiment elucidating different types of flow patterns.
- Draw a neat and labeled diagram of a Shell & Tube Heat Exchanger and explain its construction and working.
- Write construction and working of Orifice meter and Rotometer.
- What the principle of simple distillation. Write in detail about steam distillation.
- Describe the principle, construction working and uses of Twin Shell Blender.
- Explain theories of filtration. Add a note on objectives of filtration.
- Distinguish between Solid Mixing & Liquid Mixing. Add a note on the mechanisms of solid mixing and liquid mixing.
- What are the factors influencing filtration?
- Classify Evaporators. What are the factors influencing evaporation? Discuss.
- What is Corrosion? Name the various types of corrosion. How can corrosion be prevented?