MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Pharmaceutical organic chemistry-II (B.pharm 3rd semester) Here are a Selective questions of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all B. pharm 3rd Sem students.
Question -02 marks
Define aromaticity.
Why phenol is acidic?
Why p-nitroaniline is less basic than aniline?
Write the definition of RM value.
Discuss the difference between drying and nondrying oil with example.
What do you understand by angle strain?
Write the different conformations of ethane.
Illustrate the principle of saponification value.
Predict the structure and medicinal uses of DDT and Naphthalene.
What is banana bonding.
Give structure and uses of DDT.
What are phenols? Give physical properties of it.
Define Iodine number (Iodine value).
Define acetyl value. Give its signification.
What are the uses of triphenylmethane?
Define cycloalkanes.
Give molecular orbital picture of benzene.
Why phenol is acidic in nature?
What is Friedal craft acylation? Explain with suitable reaction.
Give structure and uses of Naphthols.
Explain acid value.
Give Hawarth synthesis of phenanthrene.
Give stability order of cycloalkanes.
Draw any four aromatic structures.
Give structure and uses of diphenylmethane.
Pharmaceutical Engineering Question paper
Physical Pharmaceutics- I Question Paper
Pharmaceutical Microbiology Question Paper
Question -10 marks
Give structure, preparation and properties of phenol.
Explain aromatic electrophilic substitution reactions in Benzene with respect to halogenation with mechanism.
Give structures, synthesis, reactions and uses of Anthracene derivatives.
Explain Baeyer strain theory of stability of Cycloalkanes and give its limitations.
Give analytical, synthetic and other evidences in derivation of structure of benzene.
Write a note on theory of strainless ring.
Question -07 marks
Explain effect of substituents on reactivity and orientation of mono substituted benzene compounds towards electrophilic substitution reaction.
Write about analytical, synthetic, and other evidence in the derivation of structure of benzene.
Give Huckel’s theory with suitable examples.
Why phenols are acidic in nature?
Explain Sache-Mohr theory of stability of cycloalkanes. Give reactions of cyclopropane and cyclobutane.
Give effect of substituent on orientation of monosubstituted benzene compounds towards electrophilic substitution reaction.
Explain saponification and iodine number.
Give reactions of fat and oils.
Give Baeyer’s strain theory and its limitation.
Give structure, preparation and properties of naphthalene
Illustrate in detail about Baeyer’s Strain theory with its limitations.
What do you mean by fats, oils, and waxes? Discuss the chemical reactions of fats, oils and waxes