MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS Pharmacology (B.pharm 6th semester) Here are a Selective questions of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all B. pharm 6th Sem students.
Question -02 marks
Differentiate Antitussives and Expectorants.
Enlist the name of emetics.
Quote the adverse effect of Chloramphenicol.
Give the uses of Cephalosporins.
Classify anti malarial Drugs.
Enlist anti amoebic drugs.
Mention four anti-diarrheic drugs.
Define genotoxicity.
What is biosimilars?.
Enlist non-systemic antacids.
What is biological clock?.
How does cotrimoxazole acts in our body.
Suggest antidotes for heavy metal poisoning.
Mention few examples of use of corticosteroids.
Name the drugs used in the treatments of leprosy.
Define Chronotherapy and rhythm.
Give mechanism of action of Muromnab CD3.
What is Genotoxicity.
Define teratogenicity.
Demonstrate Chrono pharmacology.
Question -10 marks
Classify Anti-asthmatic drug. Write mode of action, adverse drug reaction and use of sympathomimetics.
Classify Anti-emetics drug. Write mode of action, adverse drug reaction and use of domperidone.
Narrate the various reasons for drugs resistance and suggest some measures to the control them.
Classify anti-viral drugs. Write mode of action, adverse drug reactions and uses of Acyclovir.
Explain the various categories of antitubercular drug with example and their mode of action.
Explain Immunomodulator drugs. Write mode of action, adverse drug reactions and uses of Cyclophosphamide.
Question -07 marks
Classify Antiulcer drugs. Write mode of action, adverse drug reactions and uses of proton pump inhibitors.
Classify Sulfonamides drugs. Write mode of action, adverse drug reactions and uses of Cotrimoxazole.
What is bronchial asthma? Classify the drug used for its treatment suggest their action with examples.
Briefly narrate the various categories of antibiotics suggesting their mode of action with example.
Enlist Anti fungal drugs. Write mode of action, adverse drug reactions and uses of polyene antibiotics.
Illustrate with suitable examples the various types of immuno-stimulant’s.
Write mode of action, adverse drug reactions and uses of Dapsone and Clofazimine.
Write a detailed note on biosimilars.
Explain the treatments and managements of barbiturates and arsenic poisoning.
Illustrate the treatments of urinary tract infections.