MOST IMPORTANT QUESTIONS of Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics (B.pharm 6th semester), Here are a Selective questions of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all B. pharm 6th Sem students.
Question -02 marks
- Write the name the various barriers for drugs distribution.
- Define apparent volume of distribution and protein binding of drug.
- Define renal clearance. Give the name of non-renal routs of drug excretion of drugs.
- What is the advantage of IV infusion injection.
- Define bio-availability and bio-equivalence.
- Classify different types of pharmacokinetics models.
- Enumerate the factors affecting drug distribution.
- Write the difference between absolute with relative bioavailability.
- Give the advantage of physiological models.
- Define nonlinear pharmacokinetics.
- Define total clearance.
- What is the significance of maintain steady state drug levels in pharmacokinetics?.
- Give Michaelis equation.
Question -10 marks
- Enlist various factors influencing GI absorption of a drug from its dosage form and explain physicochemical factors affecting drug absorption in detail.
- Discuss in detail two-compartment open model for a drug administration as IV bolus. Give the schematic representation, graphs and equation for the same.
- Discuss the various mechanism of drug absorption through GIT.
- How will you calculate loading dose? Discuss its role in maintains of dose.
- Describe Michaelis mention methods of estimation pharmacokinetic parameters.
- What is the difference between linear and non- linear pharmacokinetics? List out the reasons for non-linearity in pharmacokinetics studies.
Question -07 marks
- Discuss in detail the various pharmaceutical factors affecting drug absorption.
- Explain the following terms- Clearance, Total body clearance, Hepatic clearance and renal clearance.
- Explain in detail the plasma level time curve for a two compartment open model.
- What do you mean by drug metabolism? Explain factors affecting renal excretion of drugs.
- Enumerate the objective of bioavailability. Discuss the direct methods for its assessment.
- Give the kinetics of protein binding along with its clinical significance
- What is AUC? Describe the trapezoidal methods for its calculation.
- Describe the method to calculate absorption rate constant for one compartment open model extra vascular first order kinetics.
- What is the reason behind initial rapid decline and terminal slow decline of the conc. of drug in the central compartment? Discuss the reason.
- How will you affect dosage adjustment in renal failure?
- Describe the various methods aimed at enhancing bioavailability of drug from its dosage form.
- Describe the kinetics of capacity limited or suitable processes of non linearity.