Here are a Selective questions of previous years Novel Drug Delivery System Question Paper collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all B. pharm 7th Sem students.
Question- 02 Marks
- Applications of controlled drug delivery systems
- What are smart polymers
- Write the two polymerisation techniques
- What are theories of mucoadhesion
- What are the layers of Skin
- Advantages of Metered dose inhalers
- Define targeted drug delivery systems
- Write two important strategies for targeting
- Write various approaches overcome ocular barriers to drug delivery
- Write briefly on contraceptive implants.
- Write biological factors influencing controlled release drug delivery systems
- What are ideal characters of polymers
- Write note on surface modified microparticulate drug delivery systems
- Write types of rectal drug delivery system
- Write the methods of microencapsulation
- State factors affecting mucoadhesion
- State various system of transdermal drug delivery
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Write novel ocular formulations
- State advantages of contraceptive patches .
- Define absolute bioavailability
- What are the criteria followed in polymer selection in controlled drug delivery systems
- Write note on spray drying in microencapsulation
- What are important stages of mucoadhesion
- Write note on ALZET osmotic pump
- State various approaches of transdermal drug delivery system
- Enlist excipients used in nasal spray formulations
- Write types of liposomes
- Give types of ocular inserts
- What are disadvantages of copper intrauterine devises?
- Write note on matrix diffusion system
- Write short note on alginates
- Write the drug release mechanisms in microencapsulated products
- Write the role of saliva and mucus in mucosal drug delivery
- State basic components of transdermal drug delivery
- What are the advantages of nanoparticles in drug delivery system
- What are the factors affecting gastric retention in gastrorententive drug delivery
- Write any four routes of ocular drug delivery.
- Write advantages of nasal spray.
- Write biological factors influencing controlled release drug delivery systems.
- What are ideal characters of polymers.
- Write note on surface modified microparticulate drug delivery systems.
- Write types of rectal drug delivery system.
- Write the methods of microencapsulation.
- Write the criteria followed to select polymers for Controlled release drug delivery systems.
- Write factors affecting formulation of Controlled release drug delivery systems.
- Define microsphere and microcapsules.
- What are the stages in mucoadhesion.
- What are the drug release mechanisms in implants.
- Write the excipients in nasal spray formulations.
- Enlist any four applications of nanoparticles.
- Write types of contact lenses.
- What are monoclonal antibodies.
- Write applications of intrauterine drug delivery system.
- State Hixson Crowell model.
- Write a note on polymerisation technique.
- Write about immunization implants.
- Write polymers used as backing layer in Transdermal drug delivery.
- Enlist uses of mucoadhesive in drug delivery.
- Write advantage of Nasal drug delivery.
- Write about types of niosomes.
- Describe salting out method of preparing nanoparticles.
- State advantages of ocuserts.
- What are contraceptive patches.
- Write note on magnetic microspheres
Question- 07 Marks
- Write the types of niosomes
- What are advantages of copper intrauterine devises
- Write about various applications of microparticulate drug delivery systems
- Define and classify different mucoadhesive formulations
- Explain evaluations of microparticulate drug delivery system
- Write about controlled release polymers and their applications
- Write note on transdermal drug delivery permeation enhancers with examples
- Discuss gastrorententive drug delivery system applications
- Describe the monoclonal antibodies with its applications
- Write the types, advantages and disadvantages of ocuserts
- Write a note on contraceptives implants
- Explain in detail about types of microparticulate drug delivery systems and their Evaluation
- Write note on applications of mucoadhesion in development of pharmaceutical products
- Define and classify the different microparticulate drug delivery systems
- Write the principal uses of polymers in pharmaceutical products
- Discuss the factors affecting permeation of drug through the skin
- Write microballoons as gastroadhesive drug delivery system
- State various methods to prepare nanoparticles
- Discuss shortly on ocular drug delivery systems
- Write application of intrauterine drug delivery systems
- Write shortly about types of polymers with their applications in pharmaceuticals
- Write mucosal permeation enhancers with examples
- Describe the formulations of nasal sprays
- Discuss strategies and components of targeted drug delivery systems
- Write in details about types of ocuserts
- Describe about contraceptive implants
- Write in details about the microencapsulated drug delivery systems
- Describe about mucosa and drug permeation across it
- Write about the various types of osmotic pumps
- Describe shortly about polymers in modified drug delivery system
- Write applications of transdermal drug delivery system
- Write briefly about metered dose inhalers
- Write advantages, disadvantages and applications of nanoparticles
- Write mechanisms of controlled drug release in ophthalmic drug delivery
- What are advantages and disadvantage of intrauterine drug delivery systems
- Explain types, advantages and disadvantages of microparticulate drug delivery systems
- Write note on biodegradable and non-biodegradable microspheres
- Describe osmotically regulated implants as new drug delivery system
- Write the advantage and role of polymers in modified drug delivery.
- Write short note on formulations of transdermal drug delivery system
- What are the excipients of nasal spray formulations?
- Classify the polymers used to modify the drug release
- Explain methods of implants preparations
- Write about concept of mucoadhesion
- Describe Ion Exchange Resins based controlled release formulation
- Discuss gastroadhesive drug delivery systems and its applications
- Write in details about Dry powder inhalers
- Write the composition and classification of liposomes
- Write the challenges in delivering drug to the eye
- Discuss briefly about Intrauterine drug delivery systems
- What are biodegradable and non- biodegradable polymers?
- Explain the osmotically regulated implants as new drug delivery system.
- Explain the pharmaceutical applications of microspheres
- Write about reservoir and matrix type of controlled release formulations
- Explain about microballoons as gastroadhesive drug delivery system
- Write short note on nebuliser
- Write the advantages and disadvantages of liposomes
- Write a note on novel ocular formulations.
- Describe about hormonal intrauterine drug delivery systems.
- Explain the biological factors affecting controlled release drug delivery systems
- Discuss about gastroadhesive drug delivery system applications
- Write the solvent extraction and solvent evaporation methods to prepare microspheres
- Explain mechanisms involved in drug release retardation using polymers
- Write note on pulmonary route as a promising route of drug administration
- Write methods of preparing nanoparticles
- State various methods to prepare liposomes
- Describe osmotically regulated ocuserts
- Discuss briefly on intra-vaginal drug delivery systems.
- Write about the drug candidate section criteria for developments of controlled release drug delivery systems
- Write the advantages and disadvantage of implants
- Write short notes on Gastroretentive floating drug delivery system
- Write about the types and uses of controlled release polymers
- Describe the non effervescent gastroadhesive drug delivery system
- What are the excipients used for nasal spray formulation?
- State various methods to prepare nanoparticles
Question- 10 Marks
- Discuss permeation of the drug through the skin and explain factors affecting permeation of drug through skin.
- Write about the various factors which influence development of controlled release formulations.
- Write about factors affecting designing and development of mucoadhesive dosage forms.
- Define Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS)? Give advantages and disadvantages. Describe permeation enhancer with examples.
- Explain about various factors behind controlled release drug delivery systems. Describe various approaches
- Explain in detail about the evaluation of mucoadhesive formulations
- Write in details about controlled release drug delivery system
- Write in details about mucoadhesive drug delivery systems.
- Define Transdermal drug delivery system (TDDS)? Describe various basic components of TDDS.
- Explain the principle, advantages, disadvantages and types of controlled release formulations.
- Describe the various physicochemical and pharmaceutical factors to be considered in selection of a drug candidate for controlled delivery formulations.
- Explain the types, advantages and disadvantages of implantable drug delivery system
- Describe in detail about of gastrorententive drug delivery system with advantages and disadvantages.
- Write the concept of controlled drug delivery systems. Explain the approaches for the Controlled release formulations based on dissolution.
- Explain different formulation approaches of Transdermal drug delivery system.
- Describe the various approaches to formulate dissolution and diffusion based controlled release drug delivery systems.
- Describe various theories of mucoadhesion with their significance in designing mucoadhesive products.
- Write the concept of controlled drug delivery systems. Explain the approaches for the Controlled release formulations based on dissolution.
- Explain in detail about various types of osmotic pumps
- Explain the types, advantages and disadvantages of mucoadhesive formulations
- What are gastrorententive drug delivery systems? Explain various approaches of gastrorententive drug delivery system.
- Explain the principle involved in the design of controlled drug delivery systems.
- Write in details about the implantable drug delivery system
- Discuss in detailed about gastrorententive floating drug delivery systems.
- Explain in detail about various types of osmotic pumps
- Describe in detail about formulations aspects of Nasal Spray
- Write the concept of controlled drug delivery systems. Explain the approaches for the controlled release formulations based on ion exchange technique.
- Explain in details of implantable drug delivery system and their drug release mechanisms.
- What is a pulmonary route of administration? Explain in detail about drug powder inhalers
- Describe in detail about formulations aspects of Nasal Spray