Here are a Selective questions of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology Question Paper (M.pharm IST semester) of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all M. pharm IST Sem students.
Question -02 marks
- Give the importance of siRNA and micro RNA
- Define NO and IP3.
- What are the function of a cell?
- What is metabolomics?
- Suggest the types of cell culture.
- Suggest the application of immuno-therapeutics.
- What is humanization antibody therapy.
- Suggest the various types of vectors.
- Explain the events activated during MAPK Signaling.
- Describe the different types of vectors.
- Elaborate the principles of DNA Microarray.
- Illustrate the role of restriction enzymes.
- Suggest the important of siRAN and MicroRNA.
- What are the application of flow cytometry?
- Give JAK / STAT signaling pathway.
- Define DNA electrophoresis.
- Write a note on micro array technique.
- Define biosimilars.
- Give a note on gene mutation.
- Define immuno-therapeutics.
- Differentiate apoptosis and necrosis.
- Write about gene sequencing.
M.Pharm Question Paper (1st SEM)
Modern Pharmaceutical Analytical Techniques Question Paper
Advanced Pharmacology- I Question Paper
Pharmacological & Toxicological Screening Methods –I
Question -10 marks
- Give in detail about recombinant DNA technology and gene therapy with applications.
- Define cell culture, types and general procedure for cell culture.
- Illustrate the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of apoptosis
- Sketch the signal transduction process of GPCR.
- Write in detail the principle and application of flow cytometry
- Classify receptor family and their molecular structure.
- Discuss signal transduction mechanism by g- protein- coupled receptors (GPCR). Write a brief note on tyrosine kinase receptors.
- Elaborate the principles and application of genomic and proteomic tools DNA electrophoresis and PCR.
- Explain the various type of gene transfer techniques. Highlight the clinical application and recent advantage in gene therapy.
Question -07 marks
- Give detail about cell cycle and its regulation.
- Explain the various major application of proteomics science in health care sector.
- What is necrosis? How it differs from apoptosis.
- Explain impact of oxidation stress as one of the mechanism of neuronal health.
- Explain the intrinsic and extrinsic pathway of apoptosis.
- Explain biosimilars.
- Explain the JAK-STAT signaling pathway.
- Explain cellular death, regulation and its pathways.
- Give genetic variation in drug transporters.
- Give a note on ELISA and western blotting.
- Give the principles and applications of cell viability assays.
- Explain gene mapping and cloning of disease gene.
- Explain pharmacogenomics with its applications.