Here are a Most Important Question Medicinal Chemistry-II, (UNIT 1-5TH) (B.pharm 5TH semester) of previous years questions papers collected by the different sources. this question papers are very helpful to all b.pharm 5th sem students.
Question- 02 Marks
- Mention any two alkylating anticancer agents.
- Write the structure and use of minoxidine.
- Write the structure and use nitroglycerine.
- Write the structure and use of minoxidine and acetominadione.
- Write the structure and mechanism of action of triamterene.
- What are cardiac glycosides give their medicinal use.
- What are sex hormones? Write the structure of diethyl stilbesterol.
- Write the structure and IUPAC names of clopidogrel and captopril.
- What are osmotic diuretics? Give examples.
- Give the synthesis of meclorethamine.
- Write the structure and use of Diphenhydramine hydrochloride.
- Write the structure and use of triprolidine hydrochloride.
- Write the structure and use of cimetidine.
- Write the structure and use of isosorbide dinitrite.
- Write the structure and use of warfarin.
- How cyclophosphamide is activated after its administration.
- Write the synthesis and medicinal use of promethazine.
- Write the structure and use of timololand butaxaine.
- Sketch the synthesis route for benzocaine.
- What are steroids? Give examples.
- Write the structure and mechanism of action of cholestipol.
- Write the structure and use of sildenafil and ethacrynic acid.
- Write the structure and mechanism of action of nesiritide.
- What are beta blockers? Give any one structure of them.
- Write mechanism of action of 6-thioguanine.
Question- 07 Marks
- Discuss the chemistry and mechanism action of oral contraceptive agents.
- Write the SAR of Loop diuretics.
- What are antihyperlipidemic agents? Classify those giving examples.
- What are ACE inhibitors? Discuss their SAR and mechanism of action.
- Write a note on drugs used in erectile dysfunction.
- Discuss meglitinides with structure as antidiabetic agents.
- Write a note on drug used antihypertensive agents.
- Write the SAR of local anesthetics.
- Write a note on gastric proton pump inhibitors.
- Discuss the SAR of phenothiazine derivatives as antihistamine.
- Write the SAR of steroidal anti inflammatory agents.
- Write a note on thyroid and anti thyroid agents.
- What are anti coagulants? Write the synthesis and mechanism of action of warfarin.
- Explain the SAR of amino benzoic acid derivatives as local anesthetics.
- Explain the chemistry of piperazine class of anti- hostamine.
Question- 10 Marks
- Write the classification and SAR of antihistaminic agents. Add their clinical uses.
- What are local anesthetics? Write the SAR of them. Write the synthesis of procaine.
- Classify antidiabetics agnets with examples. Write the SAR and mechanism of action of thiazolidinediones.
- What are diuretics? Classify them with examples. Write the SAR of thiazide diuretics.
- Explain the SAR and mechanism of action of calcium channel blockers.
- Discuss the chemistry of male and female sex hormones.